Daniel J. Wicker - NC LMBT #15667

CranioSacral Therapy

Experience Gentle Touch with Profound Results

Allow the wisdom of your body to self correct difficult to reach restrictions, complex injuries, or somatic emotional release.

Drop deeply into the rhythm of your core and allow your body's innate intelligence to guide the way...

CranioSacral Therapy has numerous benefits...

From deeply relaxing and balancing the central nervous system...

To releasing hard to access fascial restrictions in the body between joints, vertebrae, etc...

To exploring the mind-body-spirit connection with releasing stored memories or emotions...

CST is capable of creating profound shifts that are felt on every level of the human experience, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I invite you to try this therapy and see how powerful a gentle touch can be to bypass our exterior issues to create deep change within.

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Benefits of Treatment

Nervous System

Core Patterns

Trauma / Emotional Release

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system, which has been shown to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more.

CST has also been shown to help with the physical components related to such somatic conditions as Post Traumatic Stress, depression and anxiety. By facilitating the body's natural and innate healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and has been shown to be beneficial for people seeking help with a wide range of healthcare challenges and symptoms including:

Migraines, Headaches, Chronic Pain, Motor-Coordination Impairments, Central Nervous System Disorders, Orthopedic Problems, Traumatic Brain Injuries and Concussions, Alzheimer's, Spinal Cord Injuries, Scoliosis, Conception, Pregnancy, Birth or Pediatric Challenges, Learning Differences, ADD, ADHD, Autism and Sensory Processing, Chronic Fatigue, Emotional Difficulties, Depression, Stress and Tension-Related Problems, Fibromyalgia and other Connective-Tissue Disorders, Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) and Dental Challenges, Immune Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Post-Surgical Dysfunction, and Sleep Challenges

source: Upledger Institute Int'l

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Typical Treatment Protocol

What to expect in a series of CranioSacral Therapy Treatments

1st Session

First sessions usually serve a dual purpose as treatment as well as diagnostic.

A routine 10-step protocol covering various positions along the spine and cranial bones is followed as a foundation for seeing how you respond to treatment, identifying patterns or areas of restriction, or focal points for deeper work.

Clients can expect a deeply relaxing
experience that balances the central nervous system, and even drastic results from the first treatment alone.

Everyone is at a different place in their healing journey and as we are working with the fluid dynamics of your spine, we're seeing what the response is when we first 'open the pipes' and get things flowing.

2-3rd Session

The areas your body identifies as needing more local work become more prevalent, and we spend more time working deeper in specific areas.

At this point, the client may wish to explore the intra-oral protocol which works inside the mouth to address restriction in the anterior neck, jaw, upper cervical vertebrae, and access areas to the cranial bones.

In traditional Upledger trained CST this is traditionally called opening the 'avenue of expression' and can set the stage for future sessions to include dialogue and somato-emotional release techniques.

It is optional and not required but well worth exploring if you want to go deeper into this work!

Intra-oral work is excellent for issues related to TMJ-D, migraines, history of concussion, dental trauma, or whiplash.

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3rd & Beyond

At this point, the avenue of expression has likely  been opened and the client may choose to go into the verbal dialogue aspects of the work.

Emotional release is not something that can be predicted, forced, chased, or achieved through effort.

It is simply a potential way of allowing your body's unconscious wisdom come forth and process on physical, psychological, and emotional levels simultaneously.

It may not be the day, the time, or the person for your body to feel safe to release old experiences via dialogue, and that's OK.

We'll have plenty of ways to help you during our time, just know that the somato-emotional release work is always available for you.

The Wisdom of your Spinal Rhythm

Imagine for a moment that you're out in your yard about to take your hose and water the garden.

You've made sure to turn on the hose, and you feel the water pressure surge through it in your hand as you walk across the lawn.

However, about half way on your walk to the garden, you notice that the pressure suddenly cuts to 50% and you no longer feel it surging through the hose, reduced to a trickle

Looking back to find the source of the problem, you see that the hose has kinked itself about half way across the lawn.

Rather than walk back and try to untie the knot, you know that with the right bit of motion, you can twist the hose from your end and, use the internal water pressure from the inside out to help the hose unkink itself.

You apply just a little twist of your wrist, and you feel the water surge back again, the hose starts to untangle its own kink and you saved yourself a bit of effort and go on to easily water your garden

It may sound like a silly metaphor, but when trying to describe in words things that are felt, a bodyworker has to get creative to help you get the 'idea' of the 'feeling' that we are using to inform our technique and provide you with therapeutic results.

CranioSacral Therapy uses the fluid dynamics of your spinal rhythm to connect with both your nervous system and your fascia, and help your body to unwind from within.

The leading science relating to hands on therapies is all about the interconnectivity of the body via the Fascia, the connective tissue that covers everything from bones, joints, muscles, blood vessels, and even nerves.

Because everything is connected, we can effect change within the body non-locally. This basically means that without touching you exactly where the dysfunctional tissue is, we have many different ways of reaching it.

There are many fascia-based techniques in the world of bodywork therapy, and in the structural bodywork sessions that I offer, I incorporate some of them with a focus on improving posture and joint mobility to help people get out of pain.

CranioSacral Therapy takes these fascia-based approaches to an entirely new level by incorporating the natural rhythm of your spinal fluid as it pumps from your brain down through your spine in an ebb and flow.

Now, if we use another metaphor, we have found the center of the 'spider web' that is your fascia, connected to everything, and can sit like a spider in the center, able to feel and notice any sensation or movement that touches the web.

This is enough to give you the basic idea without putting you to sleep with the academic details, and I invite you to see for yourself the results from allowing the wisdom of your spine and nervous system to guide us through a session,

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