Daniel J. Wicker - NC LMBT #15667

Advanced Bodywork Therapies
for whole human healing.

Personal transformation through the power of advanced myofascial & somatic therapies -
to take you as deep as you are ready to go, overcome chronic pain,
reset restricted postural alignment, and release buried trauma 
-  to break through your limitations and become who you were meant to be.

Located in Downtown Weaverville, North Carolina

For Chronic Pain, Posture, Performance &
Physical Symptom Relief

Structural Bodywork

Solves pain by correcting posture, incorporating aspects of Structural Integration, Sports Massage, Positional Release, along with the relaxation of an Integrative Massage

Deep and thorough, but not 'deep tissue' as most people understand it.

Working with the body, we relax through the layers to stretch and align the connective tissue allowing the core stabilizing muscles to do their job to hold you in the correct form.

Myofascial Release

Between muscles, joints, bones, and nerves lies the connective tissue, the Fascia.

Sadly overlooked through hundreds of years of medical knowledge, we are now arriving at an awareness of just how important this tissue is to overall well being.

When injury or trauma happens to the body and is not resolved, the fascia dehydrates, calcifies, and no longer moves fluidly. These fascial restrictions can put up to 2,000lbs of force on your body from the inside out, and are not easily resolved by traditional forms of manual therapy, which only address the muscle bodies.

By interacting and working with this layer of the body, radical reduction in pain, postural issues, and restricted mobility is possible.

For Nervous System Balance, Trauma Release, Emotional & Psychosomatic Healing

Somatic Bodywork

What is Somatic Therapy?

Somatic Therapy is a treatment philosophy that looks at the Mind-Body connection to address both physical as well as emotional blockages. 

This approach to bodywork aims to increase sensation, deepen
feeling, and ultimately reconnect us to our deepest self, our core truth, and our essence lying beneath our stress, trauma, and emotional strain.

Find out how to release the deep core patterns that your body used to adapt to stress, trauma, and more - and how you can let go of the weight of old wounds to experience freedom once and for all.

CranioSacral Therapy

A gentle touch therapy that works to unwind tension from the inside out, working with spinal rhythm to drop you into a deeply relaxed state that allows the wisdom of your body to unwind patterns of tension.

This work is physical, emotional, and spiritual and can help to release stored memories or emotions within the body, reach deep layers that are unable to be touched, and balance the central nervous system for a host of benefits.

For Booking Availability of Hourly Sessions

New clients please apply below, call or text

New Client Application


Treatment Plans

AVL & WVL Locals -
save when you commit to ongoing, regular care.

Training & Continuing Education for Therapists

Coming 2025

Make more progress on your well being in one week of intensive therapy.



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My name is Daniel... and I came to a profound love of bodywork therapy by going  through my own healing journey...

As someone who has gone through it, I will tell you right now - true healing is not easy.

Despite what all of the advertisements for massage and bodywork look like... you know the picture of a relaxed and blissful person laying on a massage table in perfect peace...

That is rarely ever a lasting feeling once we leave the therapist and head back out into the world. We might feel a bit better for a time, a little more relaxed, a little less stressed... but at the first adversity the world throws at us, back into chaos we go...

Only beyond the pain, discomfort, and complicated emotions can we really stay in that place of bliss
for long, and as we are faced with the 'stuff' inside us, it is not always pretty... but in my experience, lasting therapeutic change only comes from facing the pain in order to transform it.

I started my own path due to health complications around a bone tumor in my arm. Growing up with this 'extra lump' shifted my posture, forced my muscles and tissue to contort around the extra mass, and left me with a lot of mental and emotional baggage about my body. I never moved much, I wasn't active or into sports, I was a shy and awkward kid who spent way too much time sitting instead of moving.

If it wasn't for the tumor eventually needing surgical intervention, I probably would have stayed that way. As I adjusted to the new sense of space where the tumor once was, I noticed how my body was still 'stuck' where it had been shifted, even though the problem was supposedly removed... I was still living in the shadow of the patterns my body had maladapted to along the way.

So like many people, I began to look into meditation, yoga, and other forms of healing work, cleaned up my diet and began trying 'everything under the sun' to make an impact in my health and well being.

Eventually I met my Bodywork mentor and received his life-changing work.

In a gasp of breath, I felt him melt through the tissue that was holding my shoulder locked in place. That breath, and that release, showed me that
my arm and shoulder were frozen up to my neck without even knowing it, and had likely been this way my entire life.

But it wasn't just a physical experience... I cried emotional tears as all of my thoughts and feelings and judgment around my body came up to the surface and were felt at once. I'm sure at the time my teacher said something to the effect of...

"It's okay, you're safe now to feel these feelings, and they're coming up so that they can come out, and once you let go, this tissue in your arm will move"

And that is exactly how I experienced it - it wasn't until I fully choose to feel it all, the bad and the good, that the pattern was able to fully release and my body was returned to me from the cast of stone it had built to protect me from that pain and dysfunction.

Now there is an explanation for this rooted in biology, the mechanics of the
Fascia, or the connective tissue that envelops all of our other body systems...  but for now, its important to focus on the fact that real, transformational work pushes up against these layers of our being... and one must be ready to feel it in order to heal it.

The bottom line is this:

What I experienced during and after the session with my first teacher

is what motivated me to continue sharing it with others.

I know that the same transformation is possible for you...

and the reason I carry such a passion for this work.

If you're ready, I invite you to book your first session

and see if my work is right for you.


New Client Application

My clients are ready to go deeper...

I tend to magnetize the people who have been 'doing the work' in many ways, trying lots of different avenues of self help and therapy, and are ready to go deeper, feel more, and make serious progress.

They know that there's more to bodywork than just 'relaxation spa massage' that doesn't really make a dent in their issues, or 'deep tissue' that ends up causing more harm than good, exacerbating pain and soreness rather than resolving it.

Aware that there is definitely a 'mind body connection' (and we'll throw emotions in there for good measure) they're ready to stir things up and get to the bottom of whats causing their pain, even if that means sitting with and feeling the discomfort on whatever layer it shows up.

Because my work is based on
myofascial therapies, we're approaching the body in a different way, sticking with the body long enough to truly break up the connective tissue that holds everything in place.

Our sense of self, our feelings, and our nervous system are so closely related, but the process is firmly grounded in anatomy, & I strive to educate as well as alleviate so that you have context for the experience.

What Past Clients Have to Say...

"There is a new centeredness and space inside of me. There is room to move inside where there was no movement or space. I feel lighter, and more opened. I feel like the changes are still happening and they are wonder-filled.

Daniel's skill is truly beyond compare. His gentle guiding, his ability to read the body, and his skill in bringing about change are exceptional.

Time on his table is priceless.

- Elaine C.

"There is simply nothing as good as what I have experienced here."

- Jacobina O.

"I have known the archetpye of 'little me' has been with me in over 30 years of talk therapy.

With our session today, I was finally able to find and release her from my body. And it's not sad, it's beautiful. I see her purpose now and cherish her role in keeping me safe all this time."

My whole hip and pelvis feels lighter
as if dropping a huge weight that has been with me my entire life.

- Midge B.

"My sister suggested that I get some CranioSacral Therapy because of a recent shock and grief.

Without knowing much about it, I just went for it... and found Daniel and his great reviews. How fortunate am I!

Seriously. Daniel is kind, gifted, skilled, grounded, and tempermentally an exact match for this type of therapy.

It would be hard to say how I felt completely comfortable, at ease, safe, and easily sunken into a very deep state of relaxation...
but my guess is that this therapy is the real deal and Daniel is an excellent therapist.

That safe, deep place is such a nurturing space for my nervous system to radiate healing.

- Peggy D.

I was a professional athlete for 14 years and have worked with some of the best in the world when it comes to bodywork and massage therapists.

My first session with Daniel blew me away. He might be the best I have ever worked with! He is incredible. I have tons of scar tissue and lingering pain from injuries and surgeries, and Daniel was able to locate and provide relief immediately.

I feel extremely fortunate to have found him. I now have hope of a future without pain. Thank you, Daniel!

You are a best kept secret of this region.

- Veronica C.

"I just completed my fourth session with Daniel and it was nothing short of magic. His mastery of skill combined with presence of being and empathy is unparalleled.

Layer by layer, he facilitates an intense level of physical, mental, and emotional unwinding that I have never experienced in my 25+ years of receiveing bodywork.

I will be forever grateful to him helping restore the vitality that was being drained from so much chronic pain.

It is a joy to work with him and I look forward to continuing the journey.  Whatever needs to happen to do the longer sessions closer together, I encourage you to do so!"

- Sherri A.

"I first saw Daniel with a very pressing acute pain between my shoulder blade and spine and he literally cured it!

I haven't felt the pain since that session and it was one where I was having trouble taking a deep breath. His touch was therapeutic and obviously very healing,

I was so blessed to have gotten his bodywork that day!"

- Madi C.

“Daniel is a master of his art! Intuitive, precise and highly skilled. What a joy to encounter this kind of massage experience. Muscle issues already subsiding.”

- James K.

"Daniel has such an intentional, light, and intuitive touch that unfurled some seriously locked up spaces all down my spine-- especially in my neck.

Today I woke up for the first time in months without a painful headache coming from the base of my skull.

In fact,
I feel lighter and happier than I have in a very long time."

- Annika B.

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